A friend of mine pointed out not just a slight rip on one of my designs but a complete rip of an illustration I did. You might recall this illustration I did back in 2009/2010 as an exercise in Adobe Illustrator.

Jane Ire. Vector Drawing. 8″x10″. 2010.


Well, it turns out that a roller derby league in the Netherlands decided that they liked it, so they altered it and used it for a fresh meat recruitment poster. The Arnhem Fallen Angels are a flat track derby league that looks brand new from all accounts.

I don’t think this really bothers me, since derby is pretty darn DIY, and it really wasn’t an image I’d intended to do anything with. But here are a few things:

  1. They altered the color of the skater but didn’t remove the NRG skull logo from the uniform.
  2. Anyone who knows Jane Ire will look at the image and say “that’s Jane Ire of NRG”. She has a distinctive way of skating and an even more distinct set of knee pads.
  3. They didn’t ask.

Just ask folks. If I say “no”, then it’s because I have my reasons. If I say “yes”, be prepared to ship me a t-shirt.